G Suite Configuration

To configure G Suite as Identity Provider for Simple OKR follow the steps on this page.

Enable SSO on G Suite

Head to Google Admin -> Security -> Setup single sign on SSO. Under Setup SSO with Google Identity provider section, generate a new certificate if none are available.

Click on Download IDP Metadata to download XML metadata containing information about the identity provider. We will need this file later to configure Simple OKR.

Create a new SAML App

Head to Google Admin -> Apps -> SAML Apps. Click on the + button to add a new app. Then click on Setup Custom SAML app. Follow the configuration wizard until you reach the Service Provider configuration page:

Under ACS URL enter: https://app.simpleokr.com/auth/saml/acs

Under Entity ID enter: https://app.simpleokr.com/auth/saml/metadata

Leave the remaining settings as shown in the screenshot above.

You can provide additional information to Simple OKR from the identity provider. This step is optional, however we advise you to fill out the attribute mapping. On the attribute mapping screen enter the configuration as shown below.

Click Finish to create the application. Make sure the application is enabled for it to work.

Configure Simple OKR

Follow the instructions on Custom Identity Provider page on how to configure Simple OKR.

Last updated